Sunday, June 28, 2009

Watch Out!

I don't know about you but I'd rather watch films about humans than robots. But, since everyone was talking about Transformers, I bought a ticket for hubby and me and watched it last night. I hated the plot (was all over the place and dragging at some points), the lines were cheesy and the noise of the robots fighting was just stressful! What bothered me about this film was that young boys are watching this. I don't know if the film is PG 13 but it should be with all the cursing, sexual innuendo, and violence in the film.

I was thinking about my stepson who just turned 9 while watching it. He just adores Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee and would give anything to watch the film. But, how can we tell him that he can't watch it because he's too young for it? It's the same as my daughter loving the Teletubbies and when they make a film on them, Dipsy and Lala are having sex, saying the word "asshole," or trying to kill each other for a tubby custard (their food) so she's not allowed to watch it. A bit silly the kids can play with the toys but can't watch the film! I hope it's not the same for G.I. Joe! I remember my brother playing with Snake Eyes back in the 80s! I'm sure he'd be thrilled to watch the movie now. Good thing he is old enough to watch it now.

Since when have I been concerned about the film being too violent or too sexual? I watched Zapped showing topless girls when I was 6 and became a pervert since then haha! I can imagine how I'm gonna be like when my daughter is in her teens. I'm gonna be my daughter's worst nightmare. Oh no! How I wish she can stay as sweet and innocent as she is now. Aww, I'm acting like the Mom of Sam (or Shia Le Beouf in real life) in Transformers who was all soppy when he was leaving for college, finding it tough to let go.

Oh well, good thing I don't have to think of that yet. For now, I'm just happy she loves Barney and that's the only film she would want to watch. Whew!


  1. Kars that part about Zapped is hilarious haha!!! I remember watching it when I was a kid... and I think I watched it several times hahaha oh boy..

  2. Says a lot about our age huh? I think I should keep those stuff to myself.
