Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fairy- Tale Endings

At the party I attended last night, one of the topics we talked about (when we were still sober) was cross-cultural relationships. Since the expat community in Hong Kong is fairly large, it's normal to see a Korean-Belgian couple, Monegasque-African husband and wife or kids from French-Chinese parents. I could definitely relate to this since my hubby is half- Swiss and half- English while I am 100% Filipina. This type of relationship has its pros and cons, like any relationship, but it all boils down to having the same goals, same mindset and of course, same feelings! After all, no matter what "color" we are, we are all the same in God's eyes (whover god you refer to).

Speaking of color, I am curious about the "Princess and the Frog," the first Disney film that stars a black princess. I wonder if the frog will turn into a Black Prince as well. Not that it really matters.

Saying that though, I wonder who my daughter will end up marrying. I hope that's not til at least 25 years from now. Given the environment we are living in now, she can easily fall in love with a Chinese, Filipino, British or French man. Who knows he could even be black! Hmm.. not sure how I can handle that. I guess it's okay, as long as he's the son of Obama, Will Smith or Tiger Woods.

I just hope whoever he is, he'd be good- looking (and smart and nice and rich), or else my daughter can star in her own Disney film, Beauty and the Beast. The End!

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