Sunday, June 28, 2009

Only A Face A Mother Could Love

Last week I read an article on TIME entitled "Is an Ugly Baby Harder to Love?" Sad to say, this article discusses that mothers would naturally love a baby that is more good looking than not. And what's even more disturbing is there is a study that 70% of children who were abused or abandoned had at least one physical flaw. Reminds me of the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (which I also hated by the way, I guess my taste in films is very different from everyone else's) where Brad Pitt was left in a bassinet on the doorstep of a neighbor because he was odd-looking. Poor thing!

What's also interesting is that I have read or watched somewhere that babies also respond to pics of beautiful faces more than ugly ones. I guess it's has something to do with the symmetry of the face. Does that mean my daughter's love for me also depends if she finds me beautiful or not? Strange! If that's the case, I dread the day when she can talk and tell me her "real" opinion of me.

I can just imagine, "Mom, how come your hair is thick and curly and mine is straight?" "Mummy, why do you have a double chin?" Eeks! Not something to look forward to. Right now, she already presses my stomach and laughs after. I'm not sure if she is just having fun touching the softer parts of my body or she is making fun of me... I hope it's the former!

What I know for sure is I am overwhelmed with love for my daughter. And I don't think that has to do with her being pretty or not. I do think she is special, but I am sure all mothers feel the same about their children. I sure hope that's how my Mom felt about me, flawless or not.

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