Monday, June 1, 2009

Baby Talk

My daughter lives in a multi-lingual environment. Her father speaks to her in French, I speak to her in English, she hears me speak to the nanny in Filipino and she hears the kids in the playroom speak Chinese. For kids to become fluent in all languages, they should speak one language to one person. Ex. I shouldn't talk to her in Filipino if I am already talking to her in English.

Poor kid, she must be really confused now. I hear her uttering new sounds or words of some sort but I cannot understand her. Sometimes, she repeats the words I say but she doesn't use them yet on her own. The only words she can say are daddy, mama and this (when pointing to something she likes). I'm a bit worried and don't know if she should say more than that by now. I should quit doing the baby talk! Also, since I am not with her most of the time, I should get her those first words books the nanny can point to and teach her some words. I'm just crossing my fingers she pronounces the words right!

My daughter's library is composed of both French and English books. She also has French and English CDs and DVDs too! Her toy maracas is also bi-lingual (that taught me how to count in French). I actually thought about learning French, especially if we will be migrating to Europe in the future. Also, I think it would be nice if I understand what baby and Daddy are talking about in the future right? Oh well, I've got a translator on my iPhone, I think that would do for now.

My hubby is actually disappointed I don't talk to baby in Filipino. He is concerned that I don't share that part of my life. I don't mind teaching her some Filipino words, I just don't want her to be confused. When I went to MetroBooks in Elements, I found this cute book called My First Tagalog Words, I was thinking of getting it for baby but it's not appropriate for her age. I mean C for champorado, X for exray? How the hell do I expect baby to say those things?

I also have Baby Einstein's blocks with pictures of first words. I was surprised to see the word Geyser in there. No wonder the brand is called Baby Einstein, it's for geniuses! Duh!

I was telling my hubby this morning that I would be happy if I understand my baby and she can talk, but I think when she starts asking questions, that's another story. "Mom, when are we going shopping?" "Dad, why do you like beer so much?" "When can I see my (boy) friend?" I think I am going to get a heart attack!

So, for now, I think "Daddy", "Mama" and "this" is good enough...

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