Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

My heart is palpitating... I am not sure if it was what I had for lunch. Perhaps too much MSG? But, it was roast chicken, for God's sake! Do the Chinese also put food enhancers in roast chicken and baked potatoes?

The back of my neck started feeling funny in the afternoon (I am that sensitive to MSG). My gosh, I am getting old! Last week it was my back and now, could it be my cholesterol level?

I must learn to relax. I know, in Hong Kong, to relax is a luxury and stress is part of everyday life. I deserve a day at the spa really soon or better yet, a holiday! Mmm... what I would do to be able to go to Boracay or any beach for that matter now!

What is with with moms and tending to worry about everything? Worried that baby is not talking. Worried that baby is sick. Paranoid about swine flu. Thinking about pre-school. Nanny's visa. Baby's lunch and dinner tomorrow. It's just never ending!

I remember being a carefree and happy-go-lucky person before. Getting absolutely wasted at night (even if there was work the next day), spending like there's no tomorrow (I still do that now sometimes), and just not caring about anything. C'est la vie was my motto!

Now, I have turned into a monster. I am just like my mother! I guess it just comes naturally. And no matter how I deny it, the maternal instincts kicked in. All I have to do is accept them.

I am still hoping that there will come a day when I don't have to worry, I can wake up after lunch, and have a bottomless bank account (yeah right). For the meantime, all I can do is have a bit of faith that everything is gonna be alright.

Now I know what my Dad meant when he said, I'll understand him more when I become a parent...

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