Friday, June 12, 2009

Cheers to Motherhood!

On a Friday night, my hubby and I usually just drink at home instead of going to Lan Kwai Fong. This has become our routine after baby was born. It's not only cheaper but I don't have to worry about the nanny sleeping at home and I can attend to baby if she wakes up in the middle of the night (that is if I am still sober). Good thing my daughter sleeps through the night already (she's been like this for months now, lucky me).

I must admit that I was happy to stop breastfeeding, not only because that means no more sore nipples but I do like my alcohol once in a while. I am far from an alcoholic but I like to wind down with a glass or two when I've had a stressful day. There are times where I can definitely drink more than 2 glasses, especially when I'm in "party mode" (which is not often nowadays). I keep this to a minimum since I can't deal with the hangover the next day and having to sing nursery rhymes to my daughter in the morning. Last night, I asked my hubby to get me a Smirnoff and I didn't even finish the bottle. I guess it's because the meds for my back kicked in first and just fell asleep. Boring!

Last week, I read about a mom who admitted to her alcohol problems. I first heard about her before when she wrote Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay. I wanted to read this book before not because of the drinking but because of her woes as a new mom, I didn't even know she had a drinking problem then. But, when her story was featured in the New York Times, I was intrigued and read more.

Stephanie Wilder-Taylor had her own blog, and where she expressed her thoughts and feelings about being a mom. She was also vocal about how alcohol helped her deal with the everyday brouhaha with her two children.

I thought this was pretty brave of her since society can be pretty judgmental about new moms. "Are you not breastfeeding?" "Haven't you given up smoking yet?" "Who's taking care of your baby?" Some questions posted when moms are a little bit on the loose. Haven't people forgotten that moms used to be normal people too? There seems to be this conception that once a woman becomes a mom, she must drop all her vices and put on a halo. That's a big expectation! Good thing I don't smoke so that's one vice I don't have to give up. Last week, I saw one mom smoking a cig while pushing the pram and I found myself looking back at her since I felt that wasn't too cool. See, I could be one of those judgmental people too!

I tell you it is tough being a mom. Suddenly, we have to transform into this new person. For some, it's natural and instinctive but for others, it involves a lot of effort. The maternal instinct is not something you can force, either you have it or you don't. Good thing it kicked in for me, and saw myself change into a whole new person after the pregnancy. But, of course, I am not perfect and sometimes I'm lazy to play with her, buy her potted food when I don't feel like cooking, hand her over to the nanny when I am "tired."

Like I said, we are only human, as opposed to the the preconceived idea that moms are modern superheroes. I'm just lucky that I have the nanny when I am feeling imperfect, or hubby can cook good food that baby enjoys more. Other moms have the grandma to look after baby or a good friend who is willing to babysit for movie nights or dinner dates with the hubby. Thank God for that! If I don't have any substitute to take care of baby, I might just turn alcoholic too. That's one reason to celebrate. Let's drink to that! Now, where's my Smirnoff? *hic*

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