Monday, August 10, 2009

Debutante Ball

In 2 more months, my daughter is turning eighteen (18 months) which means...

1. Time for a toddler's bed- Have I told you about the night she climbed down her crib? Some say it's a sign that she should switch to a toddler's bed. That means less accidents from falling over but also means she can get up at night anytime she wants. Umm, I think I am not ready for that yet. I cannot lower her crib anymore so will wait til she's too big for the crib (at the rate she is going, that will be sometime soon since my baby is tall for her age). My friend recommended I get a princess bed for the lil one.

2. Slowly giving up formula- I read about feeding baby whole milk and tried mixing this with her formula last week. Result: constipation so I figured she is not ready yet. Or maybe it's the quality of milk I fed her. The China milk scare has made me paranoid!

3. Potty training starts-I should start buying her lil seat, but some say I can wait til she is 2 years old. This musical potty chair is cute. It doesn't look like something she should use in the toilet though (looks like she is taking a crap in the garden). Oh well, as long as it works!

4. Switch from high chair to booster seat- She is becoming too big for her high chair and getting squiggly in it, that means I have to give this up soon and get her a proper booster seat. What do you think of this one?

5. More vaccinations- Another trip to the doctor for those horrible injections. Poor baby!

6. Tantrums, tantrums, tantrums- Time out, time out, time out! Good thing, I already found a corner in our home where she can go when she is behaving badly. I need to practice this some more or else I have to call the Super Nanny!

Umm... I think that's a whole lot of changes for baby at this age. I know there's a lot more but I want time to stop! My baby is now becoming a lady... boo hoo!

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